Policies and Procedures

Privacy and Cookies Policy

Last updated: February 15, 2024


North Offaly CoderDojo, part of the CoderDojo movement of free coding clubs, currently meeting online (“we”, “us” or “our”) is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

We organise events to enable young people to learn coding, and we may also advertise similar events organised and/or hosted by other Dojos (“services”).

This Privacy Policy sets out the basis on which the personal data collected from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us in relation to the Services.

Please read the following document carefully to understand how we will use your personal data. For the purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 and associated implementing and supplementary legislation in Ireland (namely the Data Protection Acts 1988-2018), we are the controller of personal data, or the data controller.

The categories and source of personal data we process, and our purposes for doing so

We process the following categories of personal data for the following purposes:

– Event Registrations: Information that you provide to us when registering to attend an event organised by us (“Event”) includes your name, email address, your child’s name and age (“Event Registration Information”). You may also provide us with your child’s gender indirectly by, for example, registering to attend a female-only Event, and we store this data in line with our data retention policy set out below. We need your Event Registration Information to administer requests by you to attend events organised by us, your participation at such events and to communicate with you should we need to about your attendance at such events. We have a legitimate interest to process this personal data for the purposes of providing the Services to you.

– Direct Marketing: We may also use your Event Registration Information to send direct marketing to you to keep you informed of events, programmes and online materials made available from us and by the wider CoderDojo movement from time to time (which is a network of Dojos offering coding clubs and coding-related products and services) where we are legally permitted to do so or where you have consented to receiving direct marketing from us. Where we process your information for direct marketing, we are relying on your consent as a means to process your information where legally required to do so. We do not share your Event Registration Information directly to third parties.

– Event Photographs and Video Footage: We may take photographs and/or video footage of those attending one of the Events. We do this to promote us, the Dojos and the Events. We will only take photographs and/or video footage containing your image if we have your consent, which we seek to obtain from you when you register to attend the Event. In these circumstances, we are relying on your consent as a means to process your information where legally required to do so.

– Correspondence: If you contact us, we keep a record of this correspondence for the purposes of processing any request, comment or complaint that we may receive from you. We have a legitimate interest to process this personal data in order to respond to such request, comment or complaint.

– Website Access and Cookies: We use “cookies” to monitor site user traffic patterns and site usage (such as how a user accesses our website, including individual pages of our website, and any requests made through our website by a user). This helps us to understand how you use our website so that we can develop and improve the design, layout and functionality of the site. We may be able to identify an individual device and therefore an individual from this information. A cookie is a piece of information that is stored on your computer’s hard drive and which records your navigation of a website. You can normally alter the settings of your browser to prevent acceptance of cookies. If you do not want us to deploy cookies in your browser, you can set your browser to reject cookies or to notify you when a web site tries to put a cookie on your computer. However, rejecting cookies may affect your ability to use some of the functionality of our website. 

We are required to comply with certain legal and regulatory requirements when providing our Services and we may process personal data in order to comply with those requirements, which may include reporting and monitoring obligations. We may process your personal data where necessary to comply with such legal or regulatory obligations, to which we, regulators or law enforcement agencies are subject. 

Who we may share personal data with (recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data)

We unequivocally do not sell personal data to third parties. 

Where required by law, in the case of a High Court order, information may be provided to others, such as regulators and law enforcement agencies.

To provide our Services we use some third party services. This website, northoffalydojo.com, and associated databases, are hosted by OVH SAS in their Strasbourg, France data centre. 

We use Humanitix to run our session booking. Our marketing partner is EmailOctopus, with emails sent through Amazon Web Services’ Simple Sending Service (AWS SES). We use this service for direct marketing and informing you about the Events. 

We use Freshdesk to receive and respond to emails. 

We use self-hosted technology on our website to operate our registration form, with confirmation emails sent through AWS SES. All data is stored in OVH SAS’ Strasbourg data centre.  

In order to be able to offer our Services to you, these third parties will have temporary or permanent access to your personal data. As a result of data protection legislation in the EU, if these third parties want to process your personal data beyond what we require, these third parties are required to seek your consent to do so.

If you share your personal data with third parties directly, it is likely that your personal data will be subject to their privacy policy. We encourage you to read the terms of their privacy policy carefully if so.

Cross border transfers of personal data

We will not transfer your personal data outside the EU, except to our third parties that we have instructed to help us provide the Services to you.

In the case of these transfers, we will use reasonable efforts to put in place appropriate safeguards to cover transfers of your personal data including, for example, signing standard contractual clauses/data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission, please click here for a link to the standard contractual/data protection clauses.

If there are any other circumstances which would require us to transfer your personal data outside the EU, we will seek your consent to transfer your personal data outside the EU. In the event of such a transfer, where applicable, we will put appropriate safeguards in place to cover transfers of your personal data including, for example, signing standard contractual clauses/data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission.

The period for which the personal data will be stored or the criteria used to determine that period

We store personal data in line with legal, regulatory and best-practice requirements. 

We keep your personal data, including information and correspondence collected by us or provided to us for a period of 2 years after you register to join our email list or after you attend one of our Events.

You can request the deletion of your data at any time by emailing northoffaly.ie@coderdojo.com

Your rights

As a result of us processing your personal data, you have a right to: 

  • access personal information we hold about you;
  • request that we make changes to your personal information if it is inaccurate or incomplete;
  • request your personal data is erased where we do not have a compelling reason to continue to process such data in certain circumstances, or in circumstances where we rely on your consent as a basis to process your personal information;
  • receive your personal information provided to us as a data controller in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format where our processing of the data is based on:
    • your consent;
    • our necessity for performance of a contract to which you are a party to; or
    • steps taken at your request prior to entering into a contract with us and the processing is carried out by automated means.
  • object to, or restrict, our processing of your personal data in certain circumstances;
  • object to, and not be subject to a decision which is based solely on, automated processing (including profiling), which produces legal effects or could significantly affect you; and
  • lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory body, which in Ireland, is the Data Protection Commission

To exercise any of your rights set out above, including to withdraw your consent where we have stated we are processing your personal data based on your consent, please contact us at dataprotection@northoffalydojo.com, or northoffalydojo.ie@coderdojo.com. 

Updates and amendments to this policy

This Privacy Policy was last updated February 15, 2024. It is reviewed on a regular basis and updated where appropriate. 

Should the policy be significantly amended, we will endeavour to contact affected parties to inform them of the changes in a prompt manner.